Monday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 8/7/11 7:18 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA;

I'm up and cannot sleep.  Gene has also been up most of the night.

Finally had a meeting with the GC yesterday.  As it turns out he told us yesterday that ooppppssss I didn't bid correctly on your house sorry can't fini**** I'm walking away.  So the photos you all see on facebook are how our house is going to remain.  Currently we don't even have functional heaters in the house.  During the digging up of the basement floor to put in the sewer line the plumbers cut the oil line from tank to heater.  The heating guys were there that day and said it is against Philadelphia code to bury the oil line so it would need to be run across the basement ceiling, since that day 2 months ago no one has been back to the house to install that oil line.  So with the GC "officially" walking off the job yesterday because he mis-calculated the cost of this job (which by the way I believe is bull) we have no idea what is going to happen at this point.  We told him yesterday we expect an action plan from him to address these quality of life concerns we have.

Gene made phone calls when we got home yesterday to see were we stand legally and what re-course we have to get this job done as contracted with this guy.  The worst part of this is the GC and his wife are personal friends of ours.  With a friend like this who can tear your house apart and then just be okay to walk away and leave the other person without a house - who needs enemies???  We told the GC we expect to see an action plan no later than tomorrow from him that addresses our safety and quality of life concerns with the current condition that he is planning to leave the house in. 

Sorry to annoy you all with my woes of my construction horror but I have no other safe place to vent this stuff. 

Thankfully I'm off from work today.  I would not be able to concentrate on much there is I were working today.

On another note, I have to be at Jeanes hospital this morning for an MRI of my pancreas.  My last MRI showed a cyst in the pancreas so my gastro wants a baseline to make sure it is remaining the same otherwise we will need to come up with a course of treatment.   Then I have my teeth cleaning appt. after that.

After I'm done at the hospital I'll come home for a few hours then Gene and I will be taking his mom to Jeanes hospital for her shoulder replacement surgery today.  I'll remain there with Gene until I have to leave for class this evening.  I know I"ll be exhausted since I did not sleep well last night and am already awake this morning.

Hope everyone has a great day...



Patricia R.
on 8/7/11 7:41 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Ida and PA,
I am so sorry this contractor has left you hanging high and dry.  That just sucks.  Feel free to vent here.  It is safer than eating over it.

I had a brutal weekend working and sick with a sinus infection.  The prednisone fixed my sinuses up, and is making me feel a little antsy.  It was my first time working a full day at the hospital.  Up till now, I have worked up to five hours assisting other social workers.  Now, I am flying solo, and handling six cases to open up.  I love it, but hated feeling so sick on Saturday.  Plus, I did not take time to eat lunch, which was a big mistake.  Yesterday, went better, and I packed a sandwich and yogurt for a lunch and snack.

Today is an AA meeting and doctor appointment.  I am seeing the pain doc who did the procedure two weeks ago.  In between, I am packing and cleaning.

I hope everyone has a glorious day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/7/11 10:27 pm
Good Morning Ida and PA!!

Ida, PLEASE don't apologize for venting! WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!! I cannot believe this GC, what an a**hole!! SUE HIS BUTT!!!!!! That is just wrong! I am so sorry that you are going through this. You certainly don't deserve this!! Good luck with the rest of your day, sounds busy!!

Today is going to be a busy day as well for me. I am up bright and early because I have to take Dee back to the pediatrician for him to check that her ear infection is done. I SO thought I was done with those....Anyway, after that we will come back home. I need to make some phone calls especially to the chiropractor to see if he can squeeze me in today. Then it will be mommy school and then hopefully a chiro appt!! My back is killing me!!!!

Have a great day and keep cool!
Love to all, Beth">">>

on 8/7/11 10:49 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - sorry to hear about your continuing GC woes, Ida - guess it's true what they say - don't mix friends and business (or money). I'm sorry this guy is being such a jerk and just letting you and Gene high and dry, but hopefully you have some legal recourse - but we all know how long that can take as well, and in the meantime your house is still in pieces. Vent away - we'll always listen and offer support.

Trish, hope you feel better.

I'm at work - ended up being a nice weekend. My gf came down for the weekend from the city - she's raising her 2 nephews (and she's almost 60 - sister is a drug addict) so she doesn't have much money or ability to do a lot of things, so it's a little retreat for her to come visit for the weekend. I got hardshells for us Saturday night and we ate, had some wine, and just talked and talked - have been friends for 31 years. She spent the night and we took her to the train back to the city last night, then went for ice cream. This little place we go has good sf ice cream but they were down to the bottom of the container last night and Miss Prissy Pouch did not like that, so I laid on the couch the rest of the evening trying to calm her down. Ugh.

Didn't get out for groceries yesterday like planned so don't have much 'good' food around - hopefully will get there one night this week.

Not much else going on - just work.

Hope everyone has a great day.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Laureen S.
on 8/7/11 11:44 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Ida, PA Posters,

What a nightmare you and Gene are having to go through with this, I am so sorry to hear about it and hope that you can get things resolved before the colder weather comes in.  Without a doubt this guy is a bigtime JERK and that is putting it nicely. . .  easier said than done, but don't get yourself sick over this, somehow it will get resolved and you most definitely will have legal recourse here, though it will happen long after you have fixed the issue you are now left with.  I have a neighbor down the street who went through similar experiences, she had her house fully paid off and wound up having to get a mortgage to fix what the contractor she hired did not finish and the mistakes he made, she had leaks from her roof and everything, anyway, sorry and hope you find someone who is reliable and can get it done quickly.

I had a busy weekend, Saturday went up to Barix for Support Group and it was a good group and meeting, after that I stopped at Ross' where I picked up a really cute suit for work, one I had seen there in the spring, but not in my size, well this time I scored and for $39 I got a nice suit, kind of a denim blue skirt with a silver grey, and animal print style jacket, looks really nice on, now I need to find a nice camisole to go under it, something in a deep grey would be nice, after that I did a little food shopping, went home had dinner, then to my women's AA meeting and home to bed.  Yesterday Tony came down, breakfast and then shopping for my new trinket, I got a real pandora bracelet yesterday with a key to my heart charm, this bracelet was from Tony and will only have charms on it from him, as I have another one that my daughter bought me at Christmas time, though not a real pandora one, just as good and that can be for everyone else, after that we stopped at this new frozen yogurt place called Mangousa and it is a pro biotic natural yogurt, it was quite delicious and I believe the serving I got was about 110 calories, so something I can have as an occasional treat, then home where I prepped food and watched the Mets game with Tony, afterwards he grilled some steaks I had bought on Saturday when I went food shopping and I made a nice tomato, onion and cuke salad with tomatoes grown in my garden and with a few yellow ones from a local farm stand, also made corn on the cob from the farm stand.  Got all my food prepped for the work week and Tony went home and I went to an AA meeting with a friend of mine, then home to bed.

Woke up this morning got into my gym clothes, packed my food to take to work and went to the gym, am at work and just finished my breakfast of eggbeaters, zucchini, onion and asparagus and swiss cheese omlet with half of a whole wheat and multigrain crossiant and at lunch I will attend an AA meeting and after work going to Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza place for dinner with one of my co-workers, then home to spend time with the Roxie girl and to bed. . .

I am sending out good thoughts to anyone suffering from any ailments or dealing with serious life challenges, wishing you peace and strength to carry on.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Sara E.
on 8/8/11 12:38 am - Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
Good morning PA!
I am still slowly getting better.  I have my follow-up with the asst main surgeon from the 1st surgeries tomorrow afternoon.  That will determine when i go back to work.  She predicted next Monday, but I am still quite limited in my movements and in a lot of pain.  I hope it isn't until the 22nd.  We will see....I defer too her expertise.  As for today....I am taking a shower this morning (that is work) then will be sitting in my recliner and getting better.
Have a great one!



Lisa H.
on 8/8/11 12:46 am - Whitehall, PA
 OMFG, Ida... that is just so unbelievable ridiculous.  I can't even believe he did this to you and I am so sorry.  I hope you are able to figure out a plan to get the house done and go ahead and sue his ass.

As for me, I worked Dress Barn yesterday and then went to choir.  Slept like a baby last night for once.  I woke up and could not get on my work computer.. goodie... spent almost an hour on the phone with the help desk and they couldn't get it to go either, so he escalated it.  I waited another hour for them to call back but did not hear anything.  We are allowed to be "down" 2 hours without having to either go in the office or take PTO.  I already scheduled 1/2 day PTO to take my home computer to my friend to have him reformat it.  So, I decided to just take the whole day.... sux, but I took a nap and now I'm up and ready to go take my computer. 

Tonight I am meeting one of my long time girlfriends at Musikfest to see some band she likes.  I wanted to get together with her before Siehara comes home and instead of hanging at some bar, we are going to go there.  As much as Musikfest isn't all that appealing to me anymore, it's better than sitting in a bar when I don't drink.  

That's it for me.. hope everyone has a great day.

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